I was so good with the WC3 editor now i feel like an idiot. ugg
I totally feel your pain there, I had a lot of experience with the old brood war editor(s), worked on many maps using that, released Elements 6 RPG using that, pretty much stopped after perfecting that map so to speak. Then years later, I took a look at the starcraft 2 editor. At first glance my main impression was "#%#% this" after not even being able to alter weapon damage/speed. I then proceeded to goof off on SC2 and play about every RPG map they had to offer, all what, 10 of them. Saw some abilities, things that could be done with the editor that others had done, and couple months later decided to start learning the thing towards working on yet another RPG. Just a glutton for punishment I suppose, although this is a hell of a lot more productive then just playing Everquest.
That was back in January/February 2012, I am by no means an expert at all or anything, but I can definitely do a lot more now than I could back then. Have made custom units, custom abilities, complex effect chains, respawn triggers, a fully functioning inventory system complete w/ stat/hp/mana boosts, a fully functional bandolier system that can switch between any 4 weapons my gunman might have equipped, and my latest achievement, a 3 armed character who can flawlessly use many combinations of 3hers, 2hers, 1hers, shields.
Anyways I don't say this to brag, just as a word of encouragement. When I first got going I couldn't even change the damage on a weapon, now I can do all that and plan to figure out even more. Just keep at it, it will get better with time.
Duplicate is your friend by the way, I have saved SO much time using that. Example, made a weapon item of sorts, got all that working properly, took me some time, but after I figured out the first one, I simply duped that one a few more times to have 3 more weapon types in just 5 minutes. The hardest part was picking out a model for my item that I liked.
@Johenric: Go
I totally feel your pain there, I had a lot of experience with the old brood war editor(s), worked on many maps using that, released Elements 6 RPG using that, pretty much stopped after perfecting that map so to speak. Then years later, I took a look at the starcraft 2 editor. At first glance my main impression was "#%#% this" after not even being able to alter weapon damage/speed. I then proceeded to goof off on SC2 and play about every RPG map they had to offer, all what, 10 of them. Saw some abilities, things that could be done with the editor that others had done, and couple months later decided to start learning the thing towards working on yet another RPG. Just a glutton for punishment I suppose, although this is a hell of a lot more productive then just playing Everquest.
That was back in January/February 2012, I am by no means an expert at all or anything, but I can definitely do a lot more now than I could back then. Have made custom units, custom abilities, complex effect chains, respawn triggers, a fully functioning inventory system complete w/ stat/hp/mana boosts, a fully functional bandolier system that can switch between any 4 weapons my gunman might have equipped, and my latest achievement, a 3 armed character who can flawlessly use many combinations of 3hers, 2hers, 1hers, shields.
Anyways I don't say this to brag, just as a word of encouragement. When I first got going I couldn't even change the damage on a weapon, now I can do all that and plan to figure out even more. Just keep at it, it will get better with time.
Duplicate is your friend by the way, I have saved SO much time using that. Example, made a weapon item of sorts, got all that working properly, took me some time, but after I figured out the first one, I simply duped that one a few more times to have 3 more weapon types in just 5 minutes. The hardest part was picking out a model for my item that I liked.