NotDeadYet is a 8 player cooperative survival map which will have players fighting for their lives in a city infected with a deadly virus, which turns anyone insane. The city has fallen to pieces and special operations missions have already failed to show any results. You and your team were sent on a reconnaissance mission around the city, your drop ship was shot down stranding everyone in different parts around the is up to you to get yourself and your team out way or another. "It was suppose to be a quick one. Get in and get out, just a couple hours. Boy were we wrong"
8 Player co-op survival mission.
5 different classes, each with 9 unique abilities
Multiple ways of achieving victory.
Many secondary missions which centers around the main plot.
Huge emphasis on teamwork and personal management.
Multiple item and weapon types
Fully functional ammunition, inventory and skill tree systems.
Save/Load system, achievements and unlocks
Fully terrained urban city
Multiple enemy unit types and bosses
And much, much more!
Map Progress
Terraining is about 70% done, just need to finish cluttering and detailing and add some minor adjustments
The ammo system and skill trees are all complete, still working on the inventory UI
One of the classes is mostly complete, just need to re-work a few abilities.
2 Missions are finished, hoping to have at least 20 by release
A basic spawning system is set up, need to code more unit types as well as bosses
Most of the misc stuff is done, such as the Camera, achievements and Dialogues
I think asides from Data editing, the biggest time grabber is going to be balancing everything :|
Hoping for a late 2011 release of early 2012 (Assuming we are alive)
Starting to put together the first teaser/trailer, pictures should be up soon...
- Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Other Information
Contributing to the Project
Most of this project is going to be done by me, but If anyone is willing I could use the help of a good data-editor (someone particularly skilled with actors) but it is not the end of the world If I have to struggle through it myself :)
And if someone wants to maybe help with terrain that would be cool too. The Terrain is basically done but if anyone wanted to help clutter, detail, put their own spin on the terrain would be awesome!
I am also going to be looking for Testers (Around 8?) as we begin to post Alpha/Beta Stage of things (Hopefully summer time?)
Closing Notes
Please everyone post any suggestions, criticism or any ideas that you have here. Everything you say is greatly appreciated and I would also just like to give everyone a big thank you for looking over this post!
NotDeadYet is a 8 player cooperative survival map which will have players fighting for their lives in a city infected with a deadly virus, which turns anyone insane. The city has fallen to pieces and special operations missions have already failed to show any results. You and your team were sent on a reconnaissance mission around the city, your drop ship was shot down stranding everyone in different parts around the is up to you to get yourself and your team out way or another. "It was suppose to be a quick one. Get in and get out, just a couple hours. Boy were we wrong"
Map Progress
- Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Other Information
Contributing to the Project
Most of this project is going to be done by me, but If anyone is willing I could use the help of a good data-editor (someone particularly skilled with actors) but it is not the end of the world If I have to struggle through it myself :)
And if someone wants to maybe help with terrain that would be cool too. The Terrain is basically done but if anyone wanted to help clutter, detail, put their own spin on the terrain would be awesome!
I am also going to be looking for Testers (Around 8?) as we begin to post Alpha/Beta Stage of things (Hopefully summer time?)
Closing Notes
Please everyone post any suggestions, criticism or any ideas that you have here. Everything you say is greatly appreciated and I would also just like to give everyone a big thank you for looking over this post!
Thank!!!!!! You!!!!
Anyone have any thoughts? at all? would you play this map on Bnet?
When you show a video you may have more replies.
Sounds pretty good on paper. But yeah, some visual impressions would be nice.