Basically, I want an item to spawn on the map and an AI unit will spawn and try to pick it up.
Say I do this every 10 seconds. At some point, one of the units will pick it up, and I won't want the rest to go after it anymore. How do I check if an item is being carried or not?
Edit: Unspecified item means I won't be referring to it through a variable. Otherwise I could just do a check when unit handles inventory, and triggering item is equal to the variable.
Basically, on the trigger where the AI unit will spawn, I will first try to detect if the item is picked up or not. If it is not, spawn a unit. If not, turn the trigger off.
Edit 2: Also, is there any way to check if a unit drops an item when it dies? Would it just be a normal unit handles inventory (drop item) check?
Basically, I want an item to spawn on the map and an AI unit will spawn and try to pick it up.
Say I do this every 10 seconds. At some point, one of the units will pick it up, and I won't want the rest to go after it anymore. How do I check if an item is being carried or not?
Edit: Unspecified item means I won't be referring to it through a variable. Otherwise I could just do a check when unit handles inventory, and triggering item is equal to the variable.
Basically, on the trigger where the AI unit will spawn, I will first try to detect if the item is picked up or not. If it is not, spawn a unit. If not, turn the trigger off.
Edit 2: Also, is there any way to check if a unit drops an item when it dies? Would it just be a normal unit handles inventory (drop item) check?