Is this possible?
I want to make a unit that looks like a dead ghost. Any dead unit would do, but I didn't see any models of dead units. It would need to be a real unit (i.e. still selectable even if not movable) and not just a doodad, and it would need to have a snapshot of the death animation-- say, around Ghost Death 01 at 3.0s-- as its model.
I don't know how to do this or whether it's possible. My attempts resulted in a lot of invisible models.
Edit: To clarify the question, I want to use "Ghost Death" model (animation Death 01) as a unit model for selectable attackable unit.
I think I know why my question was unclear. I meant that I wanted to use the model called Ghost Death instead of using an animation called Death belonging to the model called Ghost. I hadn't realized there was a death animation in the base model itself.
Anyhow, I've finally got it working. I didn't actually get the death model animation to work correctly. Trying only resulted in a lot of weirdness. Really weird weirdness.
For instance, I managed to make a ghost image spawn behind every unit in the game--oops! Then I got all my dead bodies to display the image of a different random custom unit to which they were not related.
Here's what finally worked: I didn't use the Ghost Death Model. Instead, I used Marauder. Why? Because Marauder has a death animation. Interestingly, the Ghost model itself does not have a death animation. All of the ghost death animations are in that Ghost Death model.
I don't really understand your question, but i think this may help:
Actor~>event~>unit birth: your unit~>animation play: death, flag: play forever/once depend on u.
And I think there's an event action that pauses an animation, too. (Or just have it play really slowly and set a timer every second to restart it)