Super-quick. I need to make a unit (currently the High Templar) use some lava stuff for its texture. I couldn't find a "Texture" field in either the High Templar model or actor. Anyone know how to do this? (I've been told many times that the texture is not part of the .m3 and have been assuming that this is correct.)
Love your nick. Out of curiousity, are you looking to get into biophysics?
For your problem, texture paths are hardcoded into M3's. Most texture paths I've come across point to the 'Assets/Textures/' MPQ path. You can load up models in the Previewer and load up the appropriate model. You'll see a group of folders off to the right, open up the materials and look for the one that seems to be the main material for the body of the model. Be aware that some materials are for things such as particles and so forth which may not specifically need to be replaced.
I'll use the High Templar as an example. The High Templar's second material has the Diffuse as, the Emissive as, etc. These are the main texture files for the model. To replace them, you need to import files into your map and have them occupy the same path as the original files. The original files will exist in the 'Assets/Textures/' MPQ path. So the full diffuse map path will be 'Assets/Textures/'. To replace them, import texture files into the exact same path with the exact same name, then save and reload your map. All textures that were using the original will now be replaced with your new texture. Bare in mind you'll be replacing all instances where the texture is used. To avoid this, you'll have to do some minor model editing to change the internal texture path present in the M3 which I think is outside the scope of what you want to achieve.
Thank thee, kind sir! That answers it perfectly.
In answer to your curiosity, no. I didn't even know that biophysics was a real field when I chose that name. My name comes from a mod attempted way back on SC1 that involved a massive C++ plugin and customizable units (of various types - they were originally just customizable in their abilities, but it became a lot more later) and a pretty cool economy system that involved no preplaced resources, nor timed resource structures, nor anything like that. I still have my notes foe it; I'll probably make it on SC2 after Wonk_Sauce.
Super-quick. I need to make a unit (currently the High Templar) use some lava stuff for its texture. I couldn't find a "Texture" field in either the High Templar model or actor. Anyone know how to do this? (I've been told many times that the texture is not part of the .m3 and have been assuming that this is correct.)
Shameless bump. ;o
@Biophysicist: Go
Love your nick. Out of curiousity, are you looking to get into biophysics?
For your problem, texture paths are hardcoded into M3's. Most texture paths I've come across point to the 'Assets/Textures/' MPQ path. You can load up models in the Previewer and load up the appropriate model. You'll see a group of folders off to the right, open up the materials and look for the one that seems to be the main material for the body of the model. Be aware that some materials are for things such as particles and so forth which may not specifically need to be replaced.
I'll use the High Templar as an example. The High Templar's second material has the Diffuse as, the Emissive as, etc. These are the main texture files for the model. To replace them, you need to import files into your map and have them occupy the same path as the original files. The original files will exist in the 'Assets/Textures/' MPQ path. So the full diffuse map path will be 'Assets/Textures/'. To replace them, import texture files into the exact same path with the exact same name, then save and reload your map. All textures that were using the original will now be replaced with your new texture. Bare in mind you'll be replacing all instances where the texture is used. To avoid this, you'll have to do some minor model editing to change the internal texture path present in the M3 which I think is outside the scope of what you want to achieve.
Hopefully that answers your question.