Hello. I am trying to make an ability where a unit has a behavior that negates all damage for x seconds. I am having problems figuring out how to do this. I am assuming there might be an option in Combat Damage Response that could do this but I am not sure. Help please!
Easy Peasy. Look at the behavior ability, go to Modificaiton+, and then the behavior tab. At the bottom, you have state flags. The one your looking for is Invulnerable ENABLE
Hello. I am trying to make an ability where a unit has a behavior that negates all damage for x seconds. I am having problems figuring out how to do this. I am assuming there might be an option in Combat Damage Response that could do this but I am not sure. Help please!
@rkmx52: Go
Easy Peasy. Look at the behavior ability, go to Modificaiton+, and then the behavior tab. At the bottom, you have state flags. The one your looking for is Invulnerable ENABLE
@coronbale: Go
The ghosts cloak ability is the same way, just with the CLOAK option enabled.
@rkmx52: Go
Sure thing man, happy coding!
@coronbale: Go
You can set damage response faction to 0. Your unit will receive no damage. The difference is that other unit can still attack it