I found out you can click cntrl and drag to change the indiviual shape sizes of a region, was wondering if anyone knew an easier way to move, copy and paste shapes of the same region. Other than entering the data manually i mean.
I think what you can do is split the region into its various shapes (control + Numpad0) then copy/paste/rearrange them as you please. Then just recombine them with numpad0. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to do.
I found out you can click cntrl and drag to change the indiviual shape sizes of a region, was wondering if anyone knew an easier way to move, copy and paste shapes of the same region. Other than entering the data manually i mean.
in hopes that someone knows something more, that somehting more exists.
I think what you can do is split the region into its various shapes (control + Numpad0) then copy/paste/rearrange them as you please. Then just recombine them with numpad0. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to do.
@goofoffjw: Go
Oh I dont have a numpad cause its a laptop, Ill have to try that! thanks