which is maybe going to disappoint many players because:
it is a single-player story map;
its storyline is not linked to official campaign lore while only uses some elements of the game world;
it doesn't give to the player an epic objective to save the world from primal evil, but to get out of a local trouble (but yes, there will be a kind of feat).
The map tends to (try to) revive the kind atmosphere of old good RPG-style UMS-maps for Warcraft III and of World of Warcraft, so the map features:
cozy greenish Agria tileset, maximum size of the map;
some quests and multi-aspect hero development system;
multiple cutscenes and miles of text strings of characters' dialogues with significant content of my questionable humor and references to this or that.
The map possesses a number of fine gameplay and visual features like:
mini-bosses using abilities forcing the player at least to move a little;
some interaction possibilities and remarkable application of resources (and of other game system elements);
gameplay change: from fresh open air walk to covert tactical like campaign Tosh/Nova missions (the quality and grade are not the same, but I think I made it relatively pretty);
little local DOTA;
visual funnies and wows pleasing the eye;
possibility to skip above mentioned multiple cutscenes and miles of text strings of characters' dialogues by pressing Esc which is not recommended as the game is nothing without them.
Lack of online Save/Load option forced me to implement a relatively elegant respawn feature: you cannot die and lose the game. But map completion may take important time, it is possible to get stuck somewhere (in terms of "what to do or where to go next?"), and old school saving before a dangerous moment is too attractive (at least to avoid running a long way to the point of death), so:
Playing offline to enable Save/Load option (and to reduce lag/disconnect chance): find the map, enter Lobby: the map will be downloaded on your computer. Then restart the game without internet connection, choose Arcade and find D-Squad: The Edge into the list that will apppear.
I do not expect much bugs and troubles (maybe mostly minor, visual, text issues...), but please inform about any quality defects. The game already received a minor update mainly following the remarks from a player. At least one bug is still present, but I added in-game info to save players from its negative effects (that can only occur while playing online). Currently on Europe server the map has rating between 4.5 and 5 (21 votes) while at least one rating (the very first) was 1 for some (malignant? :] ) reason.
And, overall, in case of remarks, comments, questions, complaints, damnations - use this thread.
Hello everyone! I'm glad to introduce you my first and only map:
«D-Squad: The Edge»
(Europe: starcraft://map/2/168022; America: starcraft://map/1/241497; Korea & Taiwan: starcraft://map/3/86700; SouthEast Asia: starcraft://map/6/22276),
which is maybe going to disappoint many players because:
The map tends to (try to) revive the kind atmosphere of old good RPG-style UMS-maps for Warcraft III and of World of Warcraft, so the map features:
The map possesses a number of fine gameplay and visual features like:
Lack of online Save/Load option forced me to implement a relatively elegant respawn feature: you cannot die and lose the game. But map completion may take important time, it is possible to get stuck somewhere (in terms of "what to do or where to go next?"), and old school saving before a dangerous moment is too attractive (at least to avoid running a long way to the point of death), so:
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND: Playing offline to enable Save/Load option (and to reduce lag/disconnect chance): find the map, enter Lobby: the map will be downloaded on your computer. Then restart the game without internet connection, choose Arcade and find D-Squad: The Edge into the list that will apppear.
I do not expect much bugs and troubles (maybe mostly minor, visual, text issues...), but please inform about any quality defects. The game already received a minor update mainly following the remarks from a player. At least one bug is still present, but I added in-game info to save players from its negative effects (that can only occur while playing online). Currently on Europe server the map has rating between 4.5 and 5 (21 votes) while at least one rating (the very first) was 1 for some (malignant? :] ) reason.
And, overall, in case of remarks, comments, questions, complaints, damnations - use this thread.
Have a good play!