General Chat

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Topic Latest Post Replies Views
FNG (sorry in advance) >>
by r1agnar21
0 1,011
Just some questions from a ex sc2 player >>
by teribgosa
0 1,071
Objective triggers and regions >>
by taelmetra
3 852
A quick question >>
by zebansho
0 344
Thinking about jumping from WC3 modding to SC2 modding. A few questions >>
by navzintel
3 1,245
Nexus Coop Mod >>
by inayarens
1 1,323
What is the better 2 hatchery open build for zerg? >>
by albstaten
0 988
Question regarding getting into starcraft 2 >>
by veganbels
0 391
Question about Vibe's b2gm (protoss) >>
by hiksemebs
0 1,087
Question about Unranked versus Ranked queue times >>
by pinakotal
2 475
Procedural Generation >>
by oahenkepi
0 937
Nexus Coop Mod >>
by xujunnju
2 1,803
Does SC Mass Recall have tac fighters? >>
by stormhawk1992
1 1,007
How to use editor? >>
by kinporsch
0 373
Help With Easy Editor project >>
by erzeek22
1 535