Good afternoon ladies & gentlemen! The show has been away for a week or so, but tonight's Terraining Thursday is going to be back as usual, with a subject we all love: HOTS. Tonight I'm going to be going in-depth on the new terrains we've seen, trying to pinpoint specific doodads, cliffs, textures and all that jazz, all the while trying to figure out what the new tilesets will mean for us terrainers.
If you're curious as to what Blizzard has got in store in the terrain department, then be sure to tune in at 9 PM CET - or just use the timer if you're in a different timezone.
<script type="text/javascript" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">"></script> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">"></script> <script>$(document).ready(function () { makeCountdown(9,00,'pm',1,'yes','Terraining Thursday 22','Thursday') });</script><center><div id="scs_display"></div></center>
Tonight on Sc2Streamster: Terraining Thusday 22
Subject: New HOTS tilesets
<color=#FF0000>If you're reading this, youtotally missed the cast =( Be sure to tune in to the VOD!</color>
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Good afternoon ladies & gentlemen! The show has been away for a week or so, but tonight's Terraining Thursday is going to be back as usual, with a subject we all love: HOTS. Tonight I'm going to be going in-depth on the new terrains we've seen, trying to pinpoint specific doodads, cliffs, textures and all that jazz, all the while trying to figure out what the new tilesets will mean for us terrainers.
If you're curious as to what Blizzard has got in store in the terrain department, then be sure to tune in at 9 PM CET - or just use the timer if you're in a different timezone.
Edit: I forgot to add an actual link to the stream >.>. Try
All I heard about terrain from blizzard was