So i'm just throwing this out. The 5 star system is ok but leaves a lot of questions unanswered. What parameters do you think maps should be rated after, to better portray the pros/cons of a map?
My suggestion is that you have a one-click rating system, but with two parameters instead of one. New york times have had these graphs and they work well. Basically you ask the user to click somewhere in a graph like ...
Perhaps you would change the things you want to measure (poor-good balance, high-low potential, good-bad gameplay etc.)
Blizz people are working on the UI so it could be a good time to bump suggestions... Also, for those who dont think they listen - several features, like the 5 star system, was in fact pushed throuh suggestions threads.
So i'm just throwing this out. The 5 star system is ok but leaves a lot of questions unanswered. What parameters do you think maps should be rated after, to better portray the pros/cons of a map?
My suggestion is that you have a one-click rating system, but with two parameters instead of one. New york times have had these graphs and they work well. Basically you ask the user to click somewhere in a graph like ...
Perhaps you would change the things you want to measure (poor-good balance, high-low potential, good-bad gameplay etc.)
Blizz people are working on the UI so it could be a good time to bump suggestions... Also, for those who dont think they listen - several features, like the 5 star system, was in fact pushed throuh suggestions threads.
Like, dislike.
@SheogorathSC: Go
Minimalist heh
But it makes sense somehow: many people seems to click the 5 or the 1 star to "make a clear statement"
@Monkalizer: Go
I would probably click the bottem left corner or the top right corner every time.
So whats the difference, besides more work for blizzard?
@grenegg: Go
I wouldnt click any of it... i would just click 100 random places... it doesnt really matter though the current system is fine
Did anybody see Josh Fruhlinger's condemnation of all community rating systems at engadget?
Upshot? Just toss the ratings.
There aint a way to improve it really in my opinion.
You could remove dislikes and just make "like it if you like it" or "like and dislike"
I do feel like the 5 star rating is misleading in a way, but I doubt changing it would really lead in different results in popularity.
if you were to change it to like/dislike it would be ok too...but is there really a point on doing that?
people on internets dont CARE. If you dont enjoy the map in 1st minute == instant 0,5 stars....learn to live with it.