This minimap circle is showing for every team. No matter if the unit is set to be your enemy i can still see that my enemy has a detection tower. How can i disable this to be just for allies?
Is not working, but i do know I'm on the right actor because if i change the scale of the circles then they change. But if i set Visible to : Ally nothing happens they remain visible anyway.
This minimap circle is showing for every team. No matter if the unit is set to be your enemy i can still see that my enemy has a detection tower. How can i disable this to be just for allies?
In actor for range there is option to choose who is blocked from displaying. In actor events specify when range has to show up.
Is not working, but i do know I'm on the right actor because if i change the scale of the circles then they change. But if i set Visible to : Ally nothing happens they remain visible anyway.
Ok. Solved. Inherited Properties: Visibility has to be checked in order for the visibility options to work. Thanks.