To really understand this you have to know where things are linked to each other.
For example a weapon.
In the unit tab you can find weapon and change it. So if you just duplicate the unit and not the weapon the weapon stays the same -> no problem.
Take actors on the other hand:
They work the other way round. If you want to change the model of a unit you have to go to the actor. The actor decides which unit belongs to which model. So if you just copy the unit without the model actor nothing is telling the unit which model is used -> not gonna work out.
It's not for all actors though. The missile actor for example works the same way as the weapon does. You don't have to copy it. It is called by the MarauderAttack actor.
So to just copy the marauder all you need to do is duplicate the unit, the model actor.
Now if you want to change something you have to duplicate everything 'above' the changed thing.
If you go to the damage effect and right click -> explain link you see that the (Damage) is below the (Set). The (Set) is below the (Launch Missile). And the (Launch Missile) is below the weapon.
So now you have to duplicate everything ABOVE the damage. Then you can just change the damage effect to whatever you like.
edit: Forgot about the attack sound actors :7
editedit: I just tried to make sure I'm not saying the wrong thing and I managed to break the original marauder just by duplicating it somehow hehe.
I'm trying to create updated tutorial of unit duplication:
I haven't ever learned that so can you guide me how to create perfect copy of Marauder with different name, damage and working actors.
I understand that I need to duplicate some missile actors too but what actors exactly?
To really understand this you have to know where things are linked to each other.
For example a weapon.
In the unit tab you can find weapon and change it. So if you just duplicate the unit and not the weapon the weapon stays the same -> no problem.
Take actors on the other hand:
They work the other way round. If you want to change the model of a unit you have to go to the actor. The actor decides which unit belongs to which model. So if you just copy the unit without the model actor nothing is telling the unit which model is used -> not gonna work out.
It's not for all actors though. The missile actor for example works the same way as the weapon does. You don't have to copy it. It is called by the MarauderAttack actor.
So to just copy the marauder all you need to do is duplicate the unit, the model actor.
Now if you want to change something you have to duplicate everything 'above' the changed thing.
If you go to the damage effect and right click -> explain link you see that the (Damage) is below the (Set). The (Set) is below the (Launch Missile). And the (Launch Missile) is below the weapon.
So now you have to duplicate everything ABOVE the damage. Then you can just change the damage effect to whatever you like.
edit: Forgot about the attack sound actors :7
editedit: I just tried to make sure I'm not saying the wrong thing and I managed to break the original marauder just by duplicating it somehow hehe.
Thank you! Solved.
Tutorial updated. Would be nice to get some comments about it. Don't want to teach other people to do things wrong :)