Increase the unit's Stats - Death Time (default at 0).
Weapons and abilities usually filter out dead units. Instead have your corpse-targeting ability require dead units in their target filter. Although I haven't tested it, I'm pretty sure this will work.
You should also mess with the actors to make sure the dead units are visible of course, but that shouldn't be very hard.
Is it possible to increase the length of time a corpse stays on the ground to allow for abilities such as Corpse Explosion and Raise Dead?
In WC3 did they explode to tank fire? :P
there are many different animation deaths, fire, slime, sliced, explode. None of them end up in a corpse afaik.
I would be looking in the actor to see if there is a death animation and before removing the body, put in a wait timer
Increase the unit's Stats - Death Time (default at 0).
Weapons and abilities usually filter out dead units. Instead have your corpse-targeting ability require dead units in their target filter. Although I haven't tested it, I'm pretty sure this will work.
You should also mess with the actors to make sure the dead units are visible of course, but that shouldn't be very hard.
@Builder_Bob: Go
Thanks, that worked.