I'm trying to enable the suicide flags on drones using triggers so they will seek and destroy their enemy but nothing happens. They just stand where they were created. The function is working for other units such as zerglings and ultralisks. Can anyone push me in the right direction on how to fix this? Thank you.
Actions: Tell (Triggering unit) to ((put either here attack if you want them to attack your target, or move if you want them to truly suicide) targeting 'Attacking unit'(replace existing orders)
I'm doing this from memory, so if these triggers don't exist, I'm to blame.
If that doesn't work, I can't help you. Sorry!
The only problem with that solution is that the drone has to be attacked for it to react. I need the drone to be flagged suicide as soon as it's created. Right now I'm using the following action to accomplish this:
AI - Enable suicide for (Last created unit)
It just tells the unit to seek out the nearest enemy and destroy it. (The wording in the action is kinda misleading as it doesn't actually suicide)
And it works for all my other units but the drone. Thanks for replying. Any other ideas?
thats an AI trigger for melee/campaign AI.
it simply makes a unit in an attack wave attack until it dies. it will never retreat.
you want to have your drones auto acquire targets? probably have to uncheck the worker flag on the unit or something like that. workers are the only unit with a weapon that wont auto acquire. so it's probably the worker flag. but it could be a bunch of things.
I'm trying to enable the suicide flags on drones using triggers so they will seek and destroy their enemy but nothing happens. They just stand where they were created. The function is working for other units such as zerglings and ultralisks. Can anyone push me in the right direction on how to fix this? Thank you.
Try this:
Events: Any unit is attacked
Conditions: Attacked unit == 'Drone"
Actions: Tell (Triggering unit) to ((put either here attack if you want them to attack your target, or move if you want them to truly suicide) targeting 'Attacking unit'(replace existing orders)
I'm doing this from memory, so if these triggers don't exist, I'm to blame. If that doesn't work, I can't help you. Sorry!
The only problem with that solution is that the drone has to be attacked for it to react. I need the drone to be flagged suicide as soon as it's created. Right now I'm using the following action to accomplish this:
AI - Enable suicide for (Last created unit)
It just tells the unit to seek out the nearest enemy and destroy it. (The wording in the action is kinda misleading as it doesn't actually suicide)
And it works for all my other units but the drone. Thanks for replying. Any other ideas?
thats an AI trigger for melee/campaign AI.
it simply makes a unit in an attack wave attack until it dies. it will never retreat.
you want to have your drones auto acquire targets? probably have to uncheck the worker flag on the unit or something like that. workers are the only unit with a weapon that wont auto acquire. so it's probably the worker flag. but it could be a bunch of things.
Thanks maverck! I unchecked the Worker flag in the Unit - Flags field and they behave as I hoped they would.