I found several threads describing how to set up a teleport to a target location. But what I want is an ability that searches for units around the caster and teleports them (including the caster) automatically to either the start location or a previously defined point (maybe via points in the terrain editor or something like that). Important is, that the target location for the teleport cannot be chosen by the player. The units should just teleport when the ability button is used.
I found several threads describing how to set up a teleport to a target location. But what I want is an ability that searches for units around the caster and teleports them (including the caster) automatically to either the start location or a previously defined point (maybe via points in the terrain editor or something like that). Important is, that the target location for the teleport cannot be chosen by the player. The units should just teleport when the ability button is used.
I found several threads describing how to set up a teleport to a target location. But what I want is an ability that searches for units around the caster and teleports them (including the caster) automatically to either the start location or a previously defined point (maybe via points in the terrain editor or something like that). Important is, that the target location for the teleport cannot be chosen by the player. The units should just teleport when the ability button is used.
Any ideas how to get this to work?
This is going to require a trigger solution.
That or a hidden dummy unit that is moved by triggers.
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