Use a trigger that when the hero is revived that sets its life fraction to (whatever you want). if you use a trigger to revive, put the action in right after that, or if you use an ability just make a trigger have the event "(Ability) is used by any unit at stage generic5 - Finish" with actions that find the hero and modify his health.
where can i adjust the amount of health a hero does respawn with?
i can't find it :(
please help
how have you set respawning up? triggers? or a ability/spell of some kind?
Use a trigger that when the hero is revived that sets its life fraction to (whatever you want). if you use a trigger to revive, put the action in right after that, or if you use an ability just make a trigger have the event "(Ability) is used by any unit at stage generic5 - Finish" with actions that find the hero and modify his health.
Gotta do it with triggers. Set (whatever unit) life (fraction) to (100)
aaaaah thanks! =)