F.e., I have 3 behaviors. Behavior A has duration 120 sec and makes unit green, behavior B - 60 sec and makes unit blue, behavior C - 30 sec and makes unit red. When duration of each behavior expires unit becomes with normal color.
Now situation. In one moment unit gets all 3 buffs; 1st - A, 2nd - B, 3rd - C. So it makes unit green, next - blue and final - red, BUT behavior C lasts 30 sec and after expire removes all tint colors from unit. How can I keep tint color for full duration of behavior? May be it must be not "One shot"?
You would probably have to use terms to validate in the actor event to see if the unit has the other buffs and then reapply the tint after clearing it.
F.e., I have 3 behaviors. Behavior A has duration 120 sec and makes unit green, behavior B - 60 sec and makes unit blue, behavior C - 30 sec and makes unit red. When duration of each behavior expires unit becomes with normal color.
Now situation. In one moment unit gets all 3 buffs; 1st - A, 2nd - B, 3rd - C. So it makes unit green, next - blue and final - red, BUT behavior C lasts 30 sec and after expire removes all tint colors from unit. How can I keep tint color for full duration of behavior? May be it must be not "One shot"?
OMG! New hero in 'Heroes of the Storm' is Dustin Browder. Watch here!
You would probably have to use terms to validate in the actor event to see if the unit has the other buffs and then reapply the tint after clearing it.
Add a unique label and clear the tint color with that label.
The name you can add there identifies these properties.
@Ahli634: Go Already done, but looks like it not work(
OMG! New hero in 'Heroes of the Storm' is Dustin Browder. Watch here!