I have a chain: upgrade->requirement->validator->behavior. So, a behavior supposed to be on when requirement = true. But looks like Player Requirement validator returns true when the requirement it links is false. And vice versa. Have anyone tried this?
I made it to work, but it feels strange. I have CountUpgrade(lab_1_1,CompleteOnly) == 0 as requirement, but my behaviour is off when I have no lab_1_1 upgrades, and it turns on after I finish upgrading lab_1_1.
I have a chain: upgrade->requirement->validator->behavior. So, a behavior supposed to be on when requirement = true. But looks like Player Requirement validator returns true when the requirement it links is false. And vice versa. Have anyone tried this?
I made it to work, but it feels strange. I have CountUpgrade(lab_1_1,CompleteOnly) == 0 as requirement, but my behaviour is off when I have no lab_1_1 upgrades, and it turns on after I finish upgrading lab_1_1.
The validator doesn't have any Negate fields.
The Combine validator does though.
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