I made some maps a little over a year ago, loaded them into Arcade, and had them all working fine. I took a break from SC for a while, then returned recently and installed the Legacy of the Void updated. Now all my maps generate error messages when they include triggers that turn on cinematic mode. The errors all look like this:
Scri: Trigger Error in 'gt_<trigger name>_Func": Calling 'UISetHotkeyAllowed' is not authorized
Near line 1643 in libNtve_gf_CinematicMode() in TriggerLibs/NativeLib.galaxy
If I disable turning on/off cinematic mode in the triggers the problem goes away, but then I don't have the benefits of cinematic mode. Does anyone know how to fix this? Any help would be appreciated.
I've been getting that error too, but aside from it popping up, I haven't noticed it affecting anything. So I just leave it be. Of course you can hide your errors for when other people play it.
Hi all,
I made some maps a little over a year ago, loaded them into Arcade, and had them all working fine. I took a break from SC for a while, then returned recently and installed the Legacy of the Void updated. Now all my maps generate error messages when they include triggers that turn on cinematic mode. The errors all look like this:
Scri: Trigger Error in 'gt_<trigger name>_Func": Calling 'UISetHotkeyAllowed' is not authorized Near line 1643 in libNtve_gf_CinematicMode() in TriggerLibs/NativeLib.galaxy
If I disable turning on/off cinematic mode in the triggers the problem goes away, but then I don't have the benefits of cinematic mode. Does anyone know how to fix this? Any help would be appreciated.
I've been getting that error too, but aside from it popping up, I haven't noticed it affecting anything. So I just leave it be. Of course you can hide your errors for when other people play it.
@MaskedImposter: Go
I agree, it doesn't seem to affect anything, but the purist in me wants it fixed.