I was curious how the blink out effect is archived, so I tried to remake it with another model:
It's bit hard to see in the low frame gif animation, but the skin is actualy disolving. Here is a screenshot which shows it more clearly:
It was easier then I thought. The effect can be created with the following steps:
Import BlinkOut.m3
Delete stalker model (switch to object mode, select model, delete it)
Import your model and delete all animations (except the Stand from the BlinkOut.m3)
Position Camera (e.g. press 5 (toggle to ortho), 1 (front view), 4 (rotate a bit to the side), 4
Select mesh object
Go to Edit mode
Make sure everything is selected (hotkey a)
Open an UV editor
Select an unused UV map, in most cases you need first to create one in the UV Maps panel which you can find in Data Tab (triangle icon) of the properties editor.
-> unwrap from view. Use hotkeys g, s, and r in image editor to make it fill out the lower 3/4 of the image (you can also open the Assets/Textures/BlinkAlpha1.dds image to place it exactly below the warp in line)
In the M3 Material Layers Panel set the image path of the emissive layer to "Assets/Textures/BlinkAlphaADD1.dds"
Select as "UV Source" of the Emissive layer "UV Layer 2" (if you used the second uv map, UV Layer 3 if you used the third etc.)
In the alpha mask panel set the image path to "Assets/Textures/BlinkAlpha1.dds" and the UV source to the same as the emissive layer(e.g. UV Layer 2).
For both the Emissive and Alpha Mask layer do the following:
Select in the time line the frame 0. Ensure that the Y field of the "UV Offset" is 0. Afterwards right click the Y field and select "Insert Single Keyframe".
Select in the time line the end frame. Then set the Y field to 1 and insert another key frame for it.
. Uncheck "Tex Warp. X" and "Tex Warp. Y"
Set the brightness multiplyer of the emissive layer to 5.
Really nice effect, it would never hurt to at least give a small guide as to how you do it. You can do this with any model yes? Then yeah it seems like a really valuable thing to inform people about :)
I tried this method, but if I try to re-import to Blender that model it gets bugged when I export it a second time.
Also, instead of editing the material for the new mesh, I simply changed the Stalker's mesh to use the textures I wanted and made the new mesh use it instead, because your steps didn't give me the correct animation.
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I was curious how the blink out effect is archived, so I tried to remake it with another model:
It's bit hard to see in the low frame gif animation, but the skin is actualy disolving. Here is a screenshot which shows it more clearly:
It was easier then I thought. The effect can be created with the following steps:
Really nice effect, it would never hurt to at least give a small guide as to how you do it. You can do this with any model yes? Then yeah it seems like a really valuable thing to inform people about :)
@unclesatan: Go
I added a list of steps of how to create such an effect. It is not exactly the way I did it, but it should give the same results.
I tried this method, but if I try to re-import to Blender that model it gets bugged when I export it a second time.
Also, instead of editing the material for the new mesh, I simply changed the Stalker's mesh to use the textures I wanted and made the new mesh use it instead, because your steps didn't give me the correct animation.