Unit Tester

A map where you can easily create and test out units. Get to know exactly what composition works great against what!

Unit Tester Online v0.97 - updated Dec 17, 2011

Unit tester for one or two players. Easy to use unit creator, resource spending tracker, different arenas, and many options. Compare unit compositions and costs, or practice your micro with friends.

To play the map online:

  • Search for keyword "online"
  • NA server: "Unit Tester Online" published by Killer
  • EU server: "[Official] Unit Tester Online" published by Westberg
  • SEA server: "[Official] Unit Tester" published by EpicZergling
  • other server: We need help publishing! Contact me for latest versions!

To play the map offline:

  • Download TheUnitTester.SC2Map from the right side.
  • Choose from "North America" or "International" versions, depending on your client.
  • Drag TheUnitTester.SCMap over Starcraft II to open with the Blizzard Launcher


Create units Choose options Attack!


  • XGDragon - original map author, created map during Beta
  • EyeSeeEm - updated map from Beta to Release
  • Trylobot - reused some of his excellent code from Mock Battle
  • Hunter - updated map from Release to current

Email comments and suggestions to [email protected].


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 10, 2010
  • Last Released File
    Dec 18, 2011
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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