Military Rank Icons
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//None// - [PVT]Private - [E-1] Rank1white - (Extra)[PVA]Private A - Rank2white - (Extra)[PVB]Private B - Rank3white - (Extra)[PVC]Private C - Rank4white - [PV2]Private 2 - [E-2] Rank5white - [PFC]Private First Class - [E-3] //Missing// - [SPC]Specialist - [E-4] Rank6white - [CPL]Corporal - [E-4] Rank6-7white - (Extra)Intermediate for use between [CPL] and [SGT] Rank7white - [SGT]Sergeant - [E-5] Rank8white - [SSG]Staff Sergeant - [E-6] Rank9white - [SCF]Sergeant First Class - [E-7] Rank10white - [MSG]Master Sergeant - [E-8] Rank11white - [1SG]First Sergeant - [E-8] Rank12white - [SGM]Sergeant Major - [E-9] Rank13white - [CSM]Command Sergeant Major - [E-9] Rank14white - [SMA]Sergeant Major of the Army - [E-9Special] Rank15white - [WO1]Warrent Officer - [W-1] Rank16white - [CW2]Chief Warrent Officer 2 - [W-2] Rank17white - [CW3]Chief Warrent Officer 3 - [W-3] Rank18white - [CW4]Chief Warrent Officer 4 - [W-4] Rank19white - [CW5]Chief Warrent Officer 5 - [W-5] Rank20white - [2LT]Second Lieutenant - [O-1] Rank21white - [1LT]First Lieutenant - [O-2] Rank22white - [CPT]Captain - [O-3] Rank23white - [MAJ]Major - [O-4] Rank24white - [LTC]Lieutenant Colonel - [O-5] Rank25white - [COL]Colonel - [O-6] Rank26white - [BG]Brigadier General - [O-7] Rank27white - [MG]Major General - [O-8] Rank28white - [LTG]Lieutenant General - [O-9] Rank29white - [GEN]General - [O-10] Rank30white - [GA]General of the Army - [Special]
Why is [SPC]Specialist missing? Becuase it's an eagle on a black background (with no boarder) and I couldn't think of a suitible replacement. Maybe I'll update it later or make your own if needed.
since the last update is from a while ago: I plan on using some of these icons in a map of mine. Maybe exactly the same, maybe recolored. Is Loading Screen + Tip Button Credits ok with you? And what name should I add? Is "Bobby5589" fine or do you prefer something else. best regards,
After hours and hours of messing with the data editor to figure out how to get these working the way I want I finally got it. Great work on these icons, I love them!
@ghoohg > Not really. It's not a matter of black on black. They're alpha channels (the .dds versions) so its more of a question of visible or transparent.
for SPC couldn't you use 2 shades of black that are really close together but not exactly the same?